22plinkster aiming a lever action rifle

How Rimfire Barrel Length Affects Velocity

Unless you use a chronograph, you probably don’t know exactly how fast a given round is shooting through one gun, much less several. CCI ambassador 22plinkster fires the same round through four different barrel lengths to demonstrate the profound effect it can have on velocity.

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josh froelich shooting a supporessed rifle

Presenting Suppressor Max

Whisper-quiet yet powerful rimfire performance is now within reach. CCI Suppressor Max is specifically designed for optimal accuracy, terminal performance and noise reduction when fired through rimfire suppressors.

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22plinkster looking down the scope of a rifle with a box of Uppercut on a table

Defend With CCI Uppercut 22 LR

Not everyone has the ability or desire to defend with a centerfire pistol. CCI ambassador 22plinkster shares the 22 LR’s surprising history as a self-defense round and explains how Uppercut fills the role.

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shooter loading CCI ammunition into a revolver

Best Single-Action .22 Combos

Whether you’re looking for a versatile trail gun, pest control pistol, or simply want to plink in the backyard, a single-action .22 revolver and the right ammunition are effective and fun.

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